
Three-Lobed Burning Eye

This market has been on the web for almost a decade. They accept stories up to 7,000 words, so there's a bit more canvas to work with. The artwork looks great and the magazine interacts with sites such as Preditors and Editors. Also, they have a lot of great writing resources on the site and it seems they do a nice job of posting on their response times.

Incidentally, Terry Dowling's collection of short stories Basic Black is pretty solid. There's some cross-genre magic in these stories with a serious literary bent. This collection was released from Cemetery Dance Publications and it's a very nice book. Come to think of it, I wonder who we have here at the Jacksonville Public Library that is ordering all of this fare from CD. This is the third signed edition I've come across, and the catalog lists over fifty titles from CD.

Additionally, a story I wrote was well received by an editor at a magazine I admire greatly and I was provided with another note of encouragement concerning the writing. Alas, the tale did not find a home, though I think he'll be an orphan for only a short while longer.

Try Three-Lobed Burning Eye; the "news" section indicates they need another story or two for the next issue.

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