
Life's Enduring Mysteries

Who would win a zombie cage match between these two?
What does Kim Kardashian actually do? I saw she was going to be on with Leno this week, but what does she do? Is she an actor or a singer or a writer or...what?
Also, wht happened to Lost? I even tried like hell last year to follow it. I stayed up and watched and even knew a little about what was going on. Then this year, it's all super-dark underground sets and a mad sequence of all the dead characters from seasons past. I feel frustration--both with J.J. Abrams and with myself. We should both be better than this...


Anonymous said...

I believe Kim Kardashian is the study of beauty or the new word i just leaned today "Aesthetics."

Daniel Powell said...

Ah! Well played! I'll have to give the matter closer philosophical scrutiny...

Unknown said...

Kim is a perfect example of someone being famous for being famous. Chicken or the egg?

Daniel Powell said...

Evening Liz,

Huh. Good question, and kind of perplexing. I wonder what the greatest factor is in what seems to me to be a recent cultural development (say, ten or fifteen years?) in "celebrity" status.

Without giving it too much thought, I suppose it must be reality television. Maybe it's just the nature of the 24-hour news cycle. But I don't think this type of thing happened in the '70s...

Jacksonville, Florida: Potpourri

  It's sometimes hard for me to reconcile that we've been in Jacksonville almost twenty years. What started as a five-year plan for ...