
Toxic town down to last six residents

Picher, Oklahoma, the Mick's old hometown, has been condemned. Boy, there's a story in there for sure...

Also, be wary of doing a google images search for radiation mutations. Not for the faint of heart.

Just received notice that a story that's been out on submission since last May (!) has been shortlisted with a publication I really dig. It's a fun story--kind of sad--about a fellow who begins to receive some strange charts and graphs in his mailbox.

It's based on a bizarre series of charts that I was getting in my mailbox last year. I kept those strange little boogers, they're somewhere in my office...man, those were fun, interesting days.


Aaron Polson said...

Nothing like a good short-listing after nearly a year in the wild. Good luck with that one.

Daniel Powell said...

Yeah, sheesh.

That's just a long time to wait, but it's one of my favorite mags, so it's also kind of nice...

January Reads and Recommendations: Never Whistle at Night

  My sweet daughter gave me a copy of this wonderful anthology this year for Christmas, and it's truly a fantastic collection of compell...