
Trust Yourself and Move Forward...

Along with language arts educators and psychologists, we are aware that as humans most of us carry around a little voice, the editor, that tells us that what we have to say is not entertaining enough or substantial enough to be heard. That editor is a composite figure of everyone in our lives who has diminished our sense of creative ability, from family members, to teachers, to employers, to the society as a whole. We live in a culture where expert story making is a highly valued and rewarded craft. Joe Lambert, Digital Storytelling Cookbook, page 2 

Creativity takes a lot of courage and more than a little perseverance. It's important for those interested in the creative arts to trust themselves and, on occasion, silence that editor. If you've ever written something that wasn't fun for you to capitalize on a trend...well, that's the editor talking. If you've ever cut a scene from a film because its inclusion might not get your work in the finest places, that's the editor talking. Editors are important, of course, but so are instincts, and it's a shame when a voice becomes stifled (or silenced altogether) in an effort to fit into a specific space or ideal... 

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Jacksonville, Florida: Potpourri

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