
Science Fiction and Scholarship

I was saddened by the news that the Internet Review of Science Fiction will be suspending operations after its February issue. Though I came to this publication a little late, I enjoyed many of the articles they published and I think it served a pretty important role in the world of speculative fiction. It was accessible, exhaustive (they reviewed a ton of books on that site) and generally well written.

After sniffing around the internet for some of the other critical speculative fiction publications, I found the following:

  • Science Fiction Studies is a publication of DePauw University in Indiana. This magazine has been published since 1973, and features articles, reviews, interviews, special editions and historical documents.
  • While not a magazine dedicated to sci-fi studies, World Literature Today, a publication of The University of Oklahoma, is publishing a special issue on the genre later this year.
  • The Science Fiction Research Association lists conventions, symposiums, calls for papers and upcoming publications on its website.
  • SF Signal is a science fiction blog with lots of good content.
  • Syfy is the website for the cable channel, and they post some solid content.

If you know of some other great resources in the genre, I'd love to hear about them...


John D. said...

Hey, thanks for the linky McLinkage. :)

Daniel Powell said...

No problem, John. I appreciate the good work over at the blog...

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