
The Ultimate Anthology

I believe that most writers of fiction, at some time or another, entertain the idea of editing. I've worked as a copy editor (Clackamas Literary Review) and occasional slush reader (CLR and others), but I've lately been interested in the kind of creative energy that goes into marshaling a stable of stories into an accessible package. I hope to bring you some observations from the best in the speculative field in the coming months but, in the meantime, I'd like to compose a series of posts on what would be, for me, the ultimate anthology.

I'll have to raid my library at the college and maybe hit the bookstore, but I'd like to offer a few notes in the coming weeks on why each of these stories struck a chord with me. In terms of ground rules, let's say I get 100,000 words. No limitations on genre, of course. We're not that kind of people around these parts. No borders on theme, either. No dictates on "literary" quality, and no predilections on era either.

We fancy the idea of the eclectic.

I just got the ominous battery pop-up stating my time is finite (no shit, right?), but I think I'll start the conversation tomorrow with Ray Bradbury's "The Small Assassin"...

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