
There and Back Again...


Hopped on an airplane many moons ago and flew to Seattle, only the airline didn't have their act together and we were delayed in Chicago. Stayed at the airport hotel and flew in the next day, then spent three great days with Jeanne's folks. We drove over Snoqualmie pass (snow) and into Pendleton and had three great days with my folks. 

Man, my nephew Riley is some kind of a great kid! He'll be one in a few days...

It snowed on us as we left town, then we hit snow twice more on the way to the Oregon Coast. You could see the snow in the hills from the beach, so it was falling down to just a few hundred feet above sea level, which is unusual (and even more so, given the fact that it was late March!). We had two great days and then shot back up the road to Seattle, where Lyla met her great grandparents. We flew home the next day and arrived at our house at midnight.

Sheesh, what a trip! 6,000 miles in the air, and over a thousand in the rental car. Lyla was a trooper. She was incredibly patient for a girl that just celebrated her third birthday.

That little girl loves her family. She had a wonderful time playing with her cousins and grandparents, and we are blessed to have such good people in our lives. I played some golf with my dad and with my buddy Kris. We had a lot of laughs and ate some great meals. We relaxed and put our feet up and recharged our batteries.

It was a great time, and now I feel refreshed to finish the spring term up well and to get back to some writing projects. Here's to hoping that spring has sprung where you are, and that the flowers are opening up and the days are growing long and warm...

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